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5 Practical Tips to Overcome Common Mobile App Usability Issues and Enhance UX

With the rapid increase in competition, the business world was compelled to come up with more ways to keep up – and that’s how the mobile industry grew at a phenomenal rate. However, the huge avalanche of mobile apps has now descended into disorder. Applications are now being built for the sake of following a fad and lack usability. Experts believe that plays a predominant role in making the app experience pleasant, enjoyable and gratifying and is an aspect that should never be compromised on.

What is Usability?

It is defined as the ease with which a user completes a goal. It is achieved by building a usable interface that is easy to understand by the user, is error-free, works fluidly and simplifies the process of completing certain tasks/actions.

Here are five tips that will help you overcome common issues during mobile application development and pave the way to achieving a flawless UX.


While developing your application, make sure you factor in the platform you’re building on. You can’t use a single template and deploy it on all. For instance, the navigation on iOS differs vastly from that of Android. Tailor the app experience as per the platform.

Keep Navigation Simple

For simple apps with limited screens, this might not be an issue. However, when you’re building complex apps such as an m-commerce app, you need to make it easy for users to find what they’re looking for. The more complicated your navigation, the higher the chances of app abandonment.

Crisp and Relevant Content

Mobile screens are small and cramping too much content will only end up annoying users. Convey what you want in a crisp and concise format. Asking users to zoom in and scroll endlessly will only frustrate them.

Provide Value At Once

No one’s going to stick around for long to see how your app turns out. If users are unable to find value in your app right away, it’s likely to be uninstalled. For long-term user retention, it is advisable to offer real value from the outset.

Minimal is Better

Do not confuse the web with mobile – it’s just not the same. Keep it minimal on mobile. Include fewer buttons, steps, pages, and fields. Offer users an easy way to complete an action. For instance, instead of asking users to type in the info manually, provide a drop-down list.

Your mobile app’s success lies on one thing: user satisfaction – and usability is what contributes to it. Opting for custom mobile app development can overcome these underlying issues and result in an app that’s highly useful, usable and valuable. Consult Openwave.

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